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Located 45 Minutes from the Bandaranaike International Airport and five minutes from the city’s highlights, the Cinnamon Grand Colombo is a Five-star hotel that comes with the additional convenience of being located in the heart of Colombo
Why go through an extensive list of dining options in Colombo when you can walk into the Grand and have it all? We aren’t quite sure why they say you can’t have your cake and eat it, because it’s exactly what we want our diners to do. Our 16 specialty restaurants and lounges bring you cuisine from around the globe to wine you and dine you in true, Grand style. What’s more – every day of the week will find you engaging in specialty dinners, buffets and other offerings allowing you to pamper your taste buds to satisfy your inner foodie. Traditional Sri Lankan in a village setting, fine dining a grill, grub at an old English pub, traditional Chinese, South Indian delicacies, fusion cuisine, tea lounges and more give you an endless list to choose from at any given moment. Clink your glasses and bite into our scrumptious selection over here at Cinnamon Grand Colombo